YCQ-PTO Annual Challah Bake with Mrs. Kosher Guru

Tuesday June 9th 2020

Thursday evening, February 6, the PTO organized their annual Challah Bake. Bringing members of the Yeshiva and community together to perform the mitzvah of Hafrashat challah. At the PTO event, a crowd of over 100 women, men, and children gathered together to partake in this meaningful mitzvah. Rebeka Boxer, Mrs., Kosher Guru, gave the participants guidance and chizuk through her inspirational story of faith and miracles and of how this mitzvah has brought her closer to HaShem. She discussed the connection between performing the mitzvah of Hafrashat challah and the miracle of facing difficult obstacles in life by connecting to ones Yiddishkeit and to HaShem.

When the challah dough was complete, in a meaningful moment, the entire room in unison made the Hafrashat challah bracha, bringing a spiritual feeling of achdut and understanding. Thank you to Julie Faska, Rachel Stern, Aliza Peled, Valerie Olsen, Melissa Stock, and those who stayed for hours after to help clean up. A lot of work by the volunteers went into making this event an experience to remember and get others to continue baking challah and davening to HaShem with kavanah.