Academic Teams

Presidential Fitness Challenge
Our YCQ students excel in the Presidential Fitness Challenge. Since its introduction to our school five years ago, the Presidential Fitness Challenge has strongly upgraded the health and well-being of the entire YCQ community. In addition to sports skills, students in grades one through eight work on improving in four fitness categories throughout the school year. After practicing, the students are tested individually by our gym teacher. Their scores are measured against national standards that are set by the President’s Council on Health and Fitness. With each year, our numbers of students who achieve a “National” or “Presidential” level increases.
Torah Bowl
The Torah Bowl is a YCQ winning tradition. For the past eight years, our school has participated in elementary school Torah Bowl competitions with local yeshivot. We are proud to say that YCQ has consistently finished among the top three competing yeshivot each year. This past year was no different, our team finished second overall, where our team demonstrated their Torah knowledge. They answered hundreds of questions on Sefer D’varim in numerous competitions, and once again our students shined. We look forward to again working hard under the guidance of Ms. Shoshanna Rosenblum, building on our past successes and meeting the Torah Bowl challenge.
Debate Team
Yeshiva of Central Queens is a proud member of the Middle School Yeshiva Debate League, which is made up of six yeshivot. Other member schools include the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County (HANC), Yavneh Academy and the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy both of New Jersey, the Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway (HAFTR) and the North Shore Hebrew Academy.
The YCQ team, led by Mr. Miles Ehrenkranz, meets three to four times per year to debate various topics that are chosen by the host school. Hosting is scheduled on a rotating basis and each school provides two judges for each meet. The League teams are judged in three categories: individual speaker, team and best school.
The League teams are comprised of very dedicated seventh and eighth graders who work very hard throughout the year preparing for the debates.
We look forward to our upcoming debates throughout the school year.
Science Fair
The 6th grade Science Fair is one of the year’s highlights at YCQ. It is the culmination of many hours of research and creative work by these students, who proudly display their projects to their families and the entire school . The Science Fair isn’t only exciting for the 6th graders — our other students look forward all year to seeing the products of their older counterparts’ creativity.
Science Fair winners go on to represent YCQ in the Inter-Yeshiva Science Tournament. Recent winners have analyzed topics ranging from nutrition to human memory to the best way to keep apples from spoiling.