YCQ’s Annual Parent-Teacher Organization Superette 

Friday May 24th 2024

On Monday evening, May 20th, the YCQ Parent-Teachers Organization (PTO) held a beautiful superette honoring beloved longtime faculty members who are leaving at the end of the school year. Morah Sharon Korn, our beloved Preschool Director, as well as long-time Kindergarten teachers, Morah Janet Koenigsberg, and Morah Rhona Lipetz,  are retiring at the end of the school year. Mrs. Allison Blass, beloved first grade teacher, will be leaving YCQ for an administrative role in another school. 

Throughout her remarkable 33-year tenure, Morah Sharon has profoundly impacted YCQ. Starting as a passionate educator, she fostered a love of learning in every student, and demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their growth. As the Director of the Early Childhood Program, she continued to create a nurturing environment where every child could thrive. Under her leadership, YCQ became one of the first yeshivot certified for NYC’s UPK program and helped introduce a data-driven rotational model in Kindergarten. Morah Sharon has been a cherished member of the community, embodying integrity, empathy, and collaboration, and her presence will be dearly missed.

Morah Janet and Morah Rhona have partnered for decades in the Kindergarten classroom, working side by side to educate students in the most creative and loving ways. From building a tent inside the classroom to teach students about Avraham and the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim, to going “fishing” in Eilat on Yom Haatzmaut, the dynamic duo have always been innovating and making chinuch come alive.

Mrs. Blass, a vibrant, unique, and outstanding first grade teacher, has certainly made her mark on YCQ’s elementary school. Her passion and hands-on energy are alway on full display and her classroom is always a must-see. This year, Mrs. Blass also served as the Curriculum Coordinator for K-2 General Studies, and provided mentorship and support to other teachers. 

All of the honorees expressed their Hakarat Hatov throughout the evening and were given beautiful gifts, including beautiful Sifrei Tehilim with a personal message inscribed by Rabbi Landsman on behalf of the administration. Tribute was also paid to the other beloved staff members who will be moving to new locations next year. The YCQ community sincerely thanks Mrs. Linette Boghossian, Mrs. Renee Faibish, Mrs. Sara Hametz, Mrs. Elana Joffe, Morah Jennifer Shakmoroff, Rabbi Yisroel Schonfeld, and Mrs. Aliza Willig for their years of service. 

This special event, catered by Riverdale Kosher Market, was well attended, anduests enjoyed the tea party theme and decor, organized and executed by the PTO’s Superette Committee. Floral centerpieces in teapots took center stage as they sat on light pink tablecloths with soft pastels. 

The PTO also held a raffle with amazing prizes and would like to thank the following sponsors: Joshua Elishayev, Eado and Liel Schwartz, Richie and Ashley Nektalov, Albert and Yelena Yakubov, Customized Moments, Woodibook, and Glamorous Event Boutique. 

Special thanks to the committee heads, Penina Nussbaum, Natalie Rakhminov, and Jennifer Jaffe, as well as all the committee members, Aviva Reschke, Daniela Shamayev, Daniella Dyckman, Laura Schutzman, Melissa Stock, Natalie Gavlaev, Shoshy Khalili, Sara Gherman, Aliza Peled, Eliana Langbaum, and Valerie Olsen. 

YCQ wishes Morah Sharon, Morah Janet, Morah Rhona mazal tov on their retirement and hatzlacha rabbah to Mrs. Blass and all the other faculty members on the next steps of their careers. We will be forever indebted to Morah Sharon Korn who laid the foundation for our Early Childhood Program. Her legacy and input will be part of CQ for many years to come.