Preschool Welcome Bash

Tuesday June 9th 2020

This past Tuesday evening, The YCQ PTO once again hosted the Preschool Welcome Bash. Nursery and Kindergarten teachers, students, and their families came out for a delicious dinner and craft project. Students had a chance to meet their new classmates and teachers. Parents were able to meet each other and speak with the teachers as well. A good time was had by all! Thank you to the Bash committee members: Ariella Levine, Rachel Stern, Aliza Peled, Valerie Olsen, Jennifer Jaffe, Rachel Orenbuch, Daniella Rafaeloff, and to Rabbi Landsman, Morah Sharon and all the Nursery and Kindergarten teachers for making the event a success! Thank you also to Rabbi Lonner and Rabbi Kovitz and to the YCQ lunchroom staff for all their hard work.