Grade 5 Chesed Event

Friday December 3rd 2021

Grade 5 has been putting their math skills to good use! As a follow up to our unit on adding and subtracting decimals, students had an opportunity to “shop” for Chanukah presents for their families using catalogues and circulars, and a “budget” of $400. After they pretended to shop in the class catalogs, they chose a charity to donate any leftover “change.” Students were also asked to “buy” a present for their math teacher! They had a lot of fun choosing gifts while also getting a sense of what it means to shop on a budget. (Fun fact: this activity was inspired by a similar assignment that Mrs. Hoffman was given when she was in fifth grade!)

To make this activity even more meaningful, later in the week, students took a walk to Amazing Savings, where they used their new budgeting skills to purchase toys for YCQ’s Chai Lifeline Toy Drive. Students applied their skills to real-life situations, and found new opportunities to do chesed!