After School Programming: Mishna Shiur

Friday November 19th 2021

Mishna Shiur is a “by invitation only” program for YCQ’s Grades 6, 7, and 8 Boys. It’s a three-year program in which students complete three difficult Mesechtot; Bava Kama, Bava Metziah, and Bava Batra; one Mesechta per year. These contain critical ideas encountered in high school and beyond. Grade 8 students are paired with Grade 6 students and work together to prepare the Mishna by themselves B’chavruta! The goal is to introduce higher-level study that serves as the foundation of their learning experience throughout their lives.

The highlight of the year is the final Siyum. Parents are invited, each student takes a specific portion of the Mishna, and that year’s Mesechta is summarize and completed. Rabbi Landsman stresses how important this Shiur is to YCQ, and how much Nachat it gives him to see the boys’ accomplishments. He states that, “The next great Rosh Yeshiva may come from this wonderful group.”